Thursday, March 22, 2012

A March that feels like May

Its beautiful out isn't it. It has been for weeks. I don't want to work in side at all. But sadly my apartment has no deck. and my work currently does not support an outside feature. But There are some interesting things to come. I have finally picked up my paper work again. I'm hoping to make a gallery piece with it this time something size-able that will still incorporate the idea of set design. I also have some ideas in the works for more traditional 2D pieces as well. In other news I finally sent off my first book dummy to publishers. It was nerve wracking and writing the cover letter for them was different. Maybe easier because I was telling them about me and my book. Over all I feel really good about it. I have an interview tomorrow for a non art job but it looks exciting and to be a very good job. It would be nice to get out of the apartment and do a days work. Not that I don't enjoy my art but I think I need more time to make it in my brain. If that makes any sense.

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