Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lazy Rain day

After woosing out at the laundromat yesterday. I walked my clothes to the old dorm and did my laundry while I chatted with a friend doing desk duty. I will get you next time laundromat! Also to note the laundry expense at school has gone up 50 cents total sigh.
   I was going to write a very long description all about my job training. But sadly it rained so hard and so much today that it was rescheduled for Friday. We will have to wait till then. However on the bright side I finished Inking all of my posters and Inked a promotional piece for myself. Ubber productive! Now all I have to do is scan them in and fix the little bits and pieces that got messed up with I inked them. Tomorrow I'm going home to recover my hard drive which I tragically left behind. So that I can get started on my next project. I think I will work on a book. I should do some writing too. Its been a while.

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