Saturday, September 10, 2011

Look at Me Being so neglectful.

I haven't written anything in a couple days. Is that because I have been so busy working that I have had no time at all to write about working. I wish I could say so. But sadly no. I took a bit of a break the past two days from working on art. On Thursday I met up with a friend from high school and went to the movies. Then I went home and picked up more stuff to move into my Boyfriend's place. But luckily for me he wasn't home when I brought it back so I don't he noticed the amount of it dude to the new shelves we have for the kitchen which made him happy. I cleaned the kitchen thoroughly so that the mouse would not be able to get into anything.  That night it ripped into the trash. Fail. Friday I finally got to go to training for my new job. That was really exciting and fun. The women who runs the program reminds me so much of all the swim coaches I've ever had. I really like her and the way that she teaches swimming is different but very interesting. So I'm to teach core ideas, but make my own lesson plans. That is what a lot of my weekend will be dedicated too. That and finishing my promotional piece. Monday I will scan my posters so that I can get those in. Then I will be in a good place.

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