Monday, September 12, 2011

Well what do you think so far? This is the second generation of colors. I think these are much better. This morning I sent off the big scans of my posters. Job finished Woot! Now on to the show prep. Everyone should come to this show its going to be fantastic. I'll post details in a week or two.
Today was the first day of my part time swim teaching job. I was good. I had a lot of fun. It's really hard not to have fun when you are working with children. That is unless you don't like them. Or they freak you out. But I love them. I did have a little trouble trying to keep their attention and keeping them occupied but that will come with practice. I have also have never taught so many one on one lessons before. Its fantastic for the kids but I would say that it"s a bit harder on the teacher. All in all it was a very good day. 
I'm going to be make paper pumpkins tomorrow and up load them to Esty for the holiday season. Look for them soon!

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