Monday, January 30, 2012


I Just got back from The Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators Winter Conference in New York City. Kelly, Qing, and I attended. It was amazing! It left me feeling both super motivated and pretty over whelmed. The talks that I chose to go to gave me good information for improving my writing and even where to go next with it. The portfolio review which I did not receive any awards for was in some was even more informative. I think I have been scared of my own work since school and after looking at all the wonderful work I think its time for me to stop being scared. And actually work. So many amazing people talked even at the mini Illustrators social. They were all very inspiring. Oh and Henry Winkler was a surprise guest speaker! He was fantastic! Over all it was an amazing experience and I feel extremely blessed to have been able to go. Now I shall get started on making good work!

Oh and if you want to read all about the conference follow this link to the blog of the whole conference!

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